Tips on how a healthy diet

Many ways can be done in a healthy diet.Diet is one of the best ways of losing weight.Here are some ways that can be done in a healthy diet.

Tips on how a healthy diet :
  • Try to bring healthy food from home, do not eat foods that contain lots of calories by bringing food from home you can also save money.
  • Limit eating cake and snacks for the snack, 600 calories your body has entered into.
  • choose a soup without cream because cream adds calories in the soup.
  • When eating, try eating low calorie foods first and then eat the calories his new side dishes to eat vegetables,then the main food.
  • Chew your food slowly in order to make you feel full faster so you do not eat too much.
  • It is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water / day.
  • Try to avoid fast food.
  • Use less salt in food / cooking.
  • Exercise regularly, it is recommended aerobic.
  • Eat 3 times if you eat less than 3 times then it is not a good diet and healthy.

Those are some tips that can be done in a healthy diet and can certainly Weight lose.
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11 Tips to Weight loss Diet

11 Tips to Weight loss Diet

The main problem in losing weight is hard to find a way.Although diet you try very hard to make the weight go down but it would not be so successful if not accompanied by the right tips.

Most recent meal 3 hours before bedtime
Eating close to bedtime you will cause you to eat food that did not get converted into energy for your activity, you will consequently increase fat accumulation. If the Hungry, the better you eat non-fat milk or low-calorie food nutrition.

Cardio exercise (
aerobics,running, treadmill and swimming )
very effective cardio exercise to burn fat, do this exercise regularly every day. In addition exercise has many health benefits.

Avoid fat and reduce carbohydrate

Carbohydrate intake remains necessary despite being a program to lose weight, so do you get rid of this carbohydrate intake. Eat with a reduced number of carbohydrate.

Reduce sugar in your drinks
Soft drinks contain high sugar, stop consuming soft drinks. Always make it a habit to consume mineral water if you were outside. If you want to drink sweet tea, sometimes it does not matter what. drink water at least 8 glasses per day for weight loss programs

Eat at least 3 times a day for a diet to lose weight effectively
Stay to eat 3x a day. Do not reduce the frequency of your meal 2x a day because it will slow down your metabolism, you can can actually get an ulcer. Keep eating at least 3 times a day, with of course a small portion. Skipping meals is a major error in the diet.

Reduce fried foods, replace with a boil
Do not forget that the grilled fish and roasted chicken sometimes diolesin oil, so keep these foods are also avoided.

Always choose to walk instead of escalators
Choose a walk if the distance is not too far away. if in the office always choose to use a ladder if you just want to go down 1 or 2 floors only. This little exercise will be beneficial to reduce your weight if you do every day.

Enjoying life
Arrange all the settings meliputin diet diet and exercise so that it becomes something fun, your diet by making something fun the more it will increase the success of the diet.
Beautiful morning for practice
Practicing in the morning would be more effective, because your stomach is empty and of course the main combustion will take from your fat.

Do not try all kinds of food at the banquet buffet
do not try all the dishes when there are banquet buffet. Simply select one or two types do you like best, then continue with a salad, remember that you are trying to lose weight.

Rest taste
A good resting time is 6-8 hours a day. Never more than 8 hours per day, once there is research that says that excessive sleep increases the risk of death.

That 11 Tips to Weight loss Diet what you can try, good luck.

Source : [yahoo answer]
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An easy way to weight loss

Losing weight is easy, simply by making some small changes to lifestyle habits.Even if we make small changes every day then the ideal weight that we want can be reality .That's was said by Stephen Gullo, author of The Thin Commandments . These are an easy way to weight loss.

  • Commitment to start a healthy eating pattern. The key to successful weight loss, not just simply replace the food but also commit ourselves to make healthy food choices wherever we are. When the cafeteria at your office is not conducive to healthy foods, try to bring your own food from home.
  • Start changing the taste of drinking water anda.Although many manufacturers are labeled diet, but we should not be too dependent on drinking bottled water .Begin habit of healthy drinking water or tea.
  • Change the consumption of meat with fish, according to the formula diet of vegetables is a very good thing but do not forget your calorie consumption.Change calorie consumption habits of eating meat with fish, for example salmon.Although same calorie content but according to some studies, people who consume salmon is easier to lose weight compared with the consumption of meat.
  • Start a regular exercise habit. Exercise can make us fit but does not guarantee us apart from the piles of fat, if our diet is still in shambles, "Gullo asserted. That's why exercise should be regularly because with regular exercise is the pile of fat will be less and less settled in our bodies.
  • Diet is not merely making yourself starving but the core of the diet is to choose foods that are safe for the weight .Every food have safe, when foods that are low in fat and calories. Begin to familiarize yourself with the right food choices.
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